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How Toys Are Made

Photo byAlexas_Fotos onPixabay

Toys are not just objects that children play with; they are products of a fascinating and complex manufacturing process. Creating toys that are safe, fun, and of high quality requires meticulous attention to detail at every stage of production. In this article, we will take a closer look at the steps involved in toy manufacturing, from market research to design, prototyping, molding, production, and assembly. We will explore the importance of each step and how they contribute to the creation of toys that bring joy and excitement to kids worldwide.

Market Research: Understanding Consumer Demand

Before a toy manufacturing company embarks on creating a new toy, extensive market research is conducted to evaluate consumer demand and identify potential competitors. This research helps in determining the viability of a product idea and setting the right price point. By understanding the market, toy manufacturers can make informed decisions about which toys to produce, minimizing the risk of costly mistakes. For international toy manufacturers like Double E, market research also involves collaborations with toy distributors in different countries or geographical areas, leading to successful ventures like the Ursus-360 remote control tractor model developed in partnership with the Polish toy distributor Ata Swiat Modeli i Zabawek.

Design and Prototyping: Bringing Ideas to Life

The design and prototyping phase is where the creative vision for a toy comes to life. It starts with 3D modeling, allowing designers to create virtual models that can be explored from all angles. Once the 3D toy model is finalized, it’s time for prototype building. Prototypes are working samples of the toy that are used for testing and evaluation. At Double E, this involves assembling different parts of remote control trucks, such as the chassis, wheels, electric board, and body. Rigorous durability and safety tests are conducted to ensure the toy’s functionality, durability, and safety for use by children.

Legal Protection: Preserving Intellectual Property

To protect the interests of both the toy manufacturer and the licensors, the final toy prototype undergoes review by international lawyers for patent and copyright protection. This step ensures that the toy does not infringe on any existing patents or trademarks. Toy licensing agreements are also checked by lawyers to ensure their fairness and legality. Successful toy license approval requires adherence to quality standards and safety requirements set by the licensor. Double E Toys collaborates with renowned automotive brands like Mercedes-Benz, Land Rover, JCB, and Jeep to bring licensed remote control trucks and cars to the market.

Mold Production: Creating Quality Toys at Scale

Injection molding is a popular method used in toy manufacturing due to its efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The process begins with the creation of a 3D mold by skilled design engineers. A testing mold sample is made to assess the quality and dimensions of the toy component. Molding parts are typically made from aluminum, steel, or alloy. Double E has a dedicated mold production department with a team of professional mold engineers and production machines capable of producing 10 new molds every month. This capacity allows them to keep up with the latest trends in the toy industry.

Packaging Design: Protecting Toys and Attracting Attention

Designing toy packaging is a challenging task that requires considering various factors such as material, function, size, and messaging. Toy packaging materials should be durable, safe for children, and environmentally friendly. The packaging should protect the toy during transportation and stacking, while also allowing for reusability. Balancing transportation costs with attractive appeal is crucial, as the packaging size should be suitable for shipping while still appealing to kids. Bright colors and appealing images on toy packaging play a significant role in attracting the attention of parents and children.

Production Phase: Turning Components into Toys

The production phase involves the actual manufacturing of toy parts and the assembly of the final product. Selecting high-quality ABS plastic materials is essential to ensure the durability and safety of the toys. ABS pellets are dried and then heated until they become liquid, which is then injected into a mold to take on the desired shape. The mold is opened, and the perfectly formed toy part is ejected. Assembly lines follow tested instructions to ensure proper assembly, and strict quality checks are performed to meet safety standards and eliminate defects. The assembled toys are then securely packed in appropriate boxes with manuals and instructions.


The process of toy manufacturing is a fascinating journey that involves market research, design, prototyping, mold production, packaging design, and production. Each step plays a vital role in creating toys that meet the highest standards of safety, quality, and innovation.  Becoming a beloved brand for children and parents alike.

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The Best Children’s Toys of 2023

The Best Children's Toys of 2023 - Voltsco.


Welcome to our guide to the best children’s toys of 2023! As parents, we understand how important it is to find toys that are not only entertaining but also educational and safe for our little ones. In this article, we have curated a list of the top toys that are sure to bring joy, creativity, and learning to your child’s playtime.

1. Interactive Coding Robot

Introduce your child to the world of coding with an interactive coding robot. These robots allow children to learn programming concepts in a fun and hands-on way. With features like drag-and-drop coding, colorful LED lights, and customizable actions, these robots make learning coding a breeze. Watch as your child develops problem-solving skills and unleashes their creativity with this innovative toy.

2. STEM Building Sets

STEM building sets continue to be popular among children of all ages. These sets enable kids to explore the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics while having fun. From building complex structures to experimenting with physics and mechanics, these sets encourage critical thinking, logical reasoning, and creativity. Look for sets that are age-appropriate and come with clear instructions to ensure a rewarding playtime experience.

3. Interactive Storytelling Toys

Bring stories to life with interactive storytelling toys. These toys engage children in imaginative play and help develop their language and communication skills. Whether it’s a plush toy that responds to touch or a handheld device that allows kids to create their own stories, these toys provide endless entertainment and encourage a love for reading and storytelling.

4. Augmented Reality Games

Step into the world of augmented reality with interactive games that combine physical toys with digital technology. These games blend virtual elements with the real world, creating an immersive and engaging experience. From treasure hunts to educational quizzes, augmented reality games provide a unique and interactive playtime for children.

5. Eco-Friendly Toys

In an effort to promote sustainability, eco-friendly toys are gaining popularity. These toys are made from recycled or natural materials, reducing their impact on the environment. From wooden puzzles to organic plush toys, there are plenty of options available that are both safe for your child and the planet. By choosing eco-friendly toys, you not only support ethical practices but also teach your child the importance of caring for the Earth.


Choosing the best toys for your child is an important decision. By considering factors such as education, safety, and sustainability, you can ensure that your child’s playtime is not only fun but also beneficial to their development. The toys mentioned in this article offer a combination of entertainment and learning, making them the best children’s toys of 2023. Invest in these toys and watch your child’s imagination soar!

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Top Tips from the Fashion Industry

Top Tips from the Fashion Industry - Voltsco.


The fashion industry is a vibrant and ever-evolving world, where trends change in the blink of an eye. Staying ahead and making a mark in this competitive industry can be a challenge. However, by learning from the experts and following their advice, you can navigate your way to success.

Tips from the Fashion Industry

  1. Stay Updated: To thrive in the fashion industry, it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest trends, styles, and designers. Follow fashion blogs, read magazines, and attend fashion shows to keep yourself in the loop.
  2. Develop Your Personal Style: While it’s important to be aware of trends, it’s equally essential to develop your own unique style. Experiment with different looks, mix and match, and find what suits you best. Your personal style will set you apart from the crowd.
  3. Build a Strong Network: Networking is key in the fashion industry. Attend industry events, connect with designers, stylists, photographers, and influencers. Collaborations and partnerships can open doors to new opportunities.
  4. Invest in Quality Pieces: When it comes to building your fashion wardrobe, invest in quality pieces that will stand the test of time. Build a collection of timeless essentials that can be mixed and matched with trendy items.
  5. Stay True to Your Brand: If you’re starting your own fashion brand, it’s crucial to stay true to your vision and brand identity. Define your target audience, create a cohesive brand image, and consistently deliver on your brand promise.
  6. Embrace Social Media: In today’s digital age, social media is a powerful tool for promoting your fashion brand. Create engaging content, collaborate with influencers, and use platforms like Instagram and Pinterest to showcase your designs.


The fashion industry is a competitive landscape, but with the right tips and strategies, you can make your mark. Stay updated, develop your personal style, build a strong network, invest in quality pieces, stay true to your brand, and leverage the power of social media. By following these top tips from the fashion industry, you’ll be on your way to success.

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The Rise and Fall of Fashion

The Rise and Fall of Fashion - Voltsco.

The Rise and Fall of Fashion

Fashion is a dynamic industry that constantly evolves, reflecting the ever-changing tastes and preferences of society. Over the years, we have witnessed the rise and fall of various fashion trends, as well as the cyclical nature of style. This article explores the fascinating journey of fashion, from its humble beginnings to its global dominance and subsequent decline.

1. The Birth of Fashion

The concept of fashion can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where clothing was not only functional but also served as a symbol of status and identity. From ancient Egypt to Greece and Rome, fashion played a crucial role in defining social hierarchies and cultural norms.

2. The Renaissance of Fashion

After a period of simplicity in the Middle Ages, fashion experienced a renaissance during the 15th and 16th centuries. This era marked a shift towards extravagance and luxury, with elaborate garments and accessories becoming the norm among the nobility.

3. The Industrial Revolution and Mass Production

The Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries brought significant changes to the fashion industry. With the advent of mass production, clothing became more affordable and accessible to the masses. Fashion trends began to spread more rapidly, as people sought to keep up with the latest styles.

4. The Golden Age of Haute Couture

In the early 20th century, Paris emerged as the fashion capital of the world, giving birth to the concept of haute couture. Designers like Coco Chanel and Christian Dior revolutionized the industry with their innovative designs and luxurious creations. The fashion world was captivated by the glamour and elegance of haute couture.

5. The Rise of Fast Fashion

In recent decades, the fashion industry has undergone a significant transformation with the rise of fast fashion. Brands like Zara and H&M popularized the concept of affordable and trendy clothing, catering to the demands of consumers who desired quick and inexpensive fashion fixes.

6. The Fall of Fashion

Despite its popularity, the fashion industry has faced increasing scrutiny due to its negative impact on the environment and unethical labor practices. Consumers are becoming more aware of the consequences of fast fashion and are seeking sustainable and ethical alternatives. This shift in consumer behavior has led to the decline of traditional fashion models.

7. The Future of Fashion

As the fashion industry grapples with its challenges, it is also embracing innovation and change. Sustainable fashion, upcycling, and ethical production practices are gaining traction. Designers are exploring new materials and technologies to create eco-friendly and socially responsible fashion.

In conclusion, the rise and fall of fashion is a testament to its ever-evolving nature. From ancient civilizations to the modern era, fashion has played a significant role in shaping culture and society. As we move forward, it is crucial for the fashion industry to adapt to changing consumer demands and embrace sustainability for a brighter and more responsible future.

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Gentleman Fashion Tips: How to Look Your Best

Gentleman Fashion Tips: How to Look Your Best - Voltsco.


Being a gentleman is not just about good manners and behavior. It also involves dressing well and looking your best. Here are some tips on how to upgrade your style game and become a true gentleman.

Tip 1: Invest in Quality Clothing

One of the most important things to keep in mind while upgrading your style is to invest in quality clothing. It’s better to own a few high-quality pieces than a lot of cheap items.

When shopping, look for brands that are known for their quality and craftsmanship. Pay attention to details like stitching, fabric, and fit. Classic items like a well-tailored suit, a crisp white shirt, and a good pair of shoes will never go out of style.

Tip 2: Dress for the Occasion

Another important thing to keep in mind is to dress for the occasion. You don’t want to be underdressed or overdressed for an event. Make sure you know the dress code beforehand and dress accordingly.

If you’re not sure what to wear, it’s always better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed. A well-fitted suit or blazer is appropriate for most formal occasions, while a smart casual look works well for semi-formal events.

Tip 3: Accessorize Wisely

Accessories can make or break an outfit. Choose them wisely and make sure they complement your clothes. A classic watch, a stylish tie, and a pocket square can add a touch of elegance to any outfit.

But don’t overdo it. Too many accessories can make you look tacky and ruin your entire look. Keep it simple and stick to a few key pieces.

Tip 4: Grooming is Key

No matter how well you dress, if you’re not well-groomed, your entire look will suffer. Make sure you take care of your skin, hair, and nails.

Visit a good barber regularly and get a well-groomed haircut. Keep your hair and beard trimmed and neat. Invest in good quality grooming products like a face wash, moisturizer, and shaving cream.

Tip 5: Confidence is Everything

The most important thing to keep in mind while upgrading your style is to be confident. Wear your clothes with confidence and own your look.

Remember, dressing well is not just about looking good, it’s also about feeling good. When you feel confident, you’ll automatically look better.


By following these gentleman fashion tips, you can upgrade your style game and become a true gentleman. Remember to invest in quality clothing, dress for the occasion, accessorize wisely, groom yourself well, and most importantly, be confident.