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Vendor Terms & Conditions


This agreement by and between (Vendors) and (Voltsco) shall commence on 2024-05-13​ will be considered agreed and valid upon sign up by vendor.
All activities and services provided by the Vendor will be supervised by the voltsco staff as listed below and will be applicable to the following terms and conditions. 



The Vendor will supply the following goods or services to the customers, pursuant to the terms of this vendor agreement:


You agree to provide an exceptional service to customers while fulfilling orders in a timely & professional  manner while working with the voltsco team to ensure a happy and successful shopping experience.

Payment Terms
voltsco will accept invoices for fees due on a monthly basis, and will, upon validation of such fees’ validity, make payment on a net-30 basis.
The Vendor will deal directly with voltsco staff support department regarding all payments.
Representation and Warranties
The Vendor hereby represents that they have the expertise, knowledge and experience needed to provide the goods or services outlined in this vendor agreement.
The vendor agrees to uphold all laws and legal requirements of the state of United Kingdom, America, Europe
Liability  and Indemnification
The Vendor shall indemnify, defend, and hold the customers and its representatives harmless for any loss or damage.
Furthermore, the Client agrees to hold the Vendor harmless against any loss or damage, save in cases of gross misconduct or negligence by the Vendor or its representatives.
Other Terms
The Vendor agrees to purchase the necessary insurance during the term of this agreement and if requested shall provide proof of such insurance to the Client.
Failure to Maintain Coverage
In the instance the Vendor should fail to maintain or provide proof of insurance, the Client shall consider such actions to be a breach of this vendor agreement and will be grounds for termination.
Independent Contractor
The Vendor shall be considered an independent contractor. This vendor agreement does not establish an employer/employee relationship between the Client and Vendor, and no such agreement shall be established at any time.
This vendor agreement shall be under the jurisdiction of the laws of United Kingdom, America, Europe.
Therefore, any and all legal proceedings shall be conducted in the above state.
Either party may terminate this vendor agreement by providing written notice to the opposite party within 10 days of the termination requested date.
Upon this vendor agreement’s termination, all unpaid debts up to the point of termination will be due to the Vendor or Client within 30 days.
Entire Understanding
This vendor agreement and any attachments shall be considered the entire agreement and shall constitute the termination of any prior agreements including any written or verbal agreements.
The vendor shall cover any and all  costs resulting in fees including any and all costs including attorney fees, court fees, and refund fees.
Any and all notification with regard to this vendor agreement shall be conducted in written form and delivered either in writing or via certified mail.
In the event either party becomes aware of a situation that may delay any portion of this vendor agreement they will be allowed 5 days to provide written notice inclusive of all relevant information to the other party.
By agreeing, the Vendor acknowledges their understanding of the terms of doing business with the Client, and agrees to abide by these terms at all times.
Signed: Voltsco
Dated: 05 /13 / 2024
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